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Small QoL changes if possible

edited March 2014 in Feature Requests
QoL = Quality of Life :)

1.) Please rename "Status" and "Priority" to "Set Status" and "Set Priority" in the rightclick popup of a project. All other menu items have actions associated with them that make it quite clear what is happening. Those two ("Status" and "Priority") don't tell people exactly what will happen when tey are clicked and form an exemption from the regular "define action as well as target of the action" e.g. "Expand All Groups", "Modify Project" etc.

2.) Please rename "Show left target URLs" to "Show remaining target urls" or "show urls still to be processed". "Left" in this case can be either "left" as in the direction (<-) or left as in remaining. It is unclear and confusing. Also the position of the participle "verbleibend" is ok in German, in English it would be less confusing to use the syntax "Die URLs die verbeliben" (Show target URLs left) instead of the current "verbleibende URLs" . (same goes for show stats about left target urls) <br />
3.) Can we get a diagram/chart option for submitted, verified and Submitted/verified in the rightclick menu for a particular project? Just the numbers - pretty please? :) It would help analyse how well a particular project is performing over time and make it possible to quiockly compare two or more projects

4.) Can we get an option to "Show only this project in log" or "Filter log by this project" in the rightclick menu? It would basically do the same thing that clicking the small arrow on the bottom fo the screen does. The difference would be the ease of use - 2 clicks, instead of the currently 5 needed.

5.) It would be great if sorting the proxies by type (private yes/no) worked as intended and give the possibility to have the "Yes" on top. Currently clicking the header a 2nd or 3rd time does not change anything.

Thank you for reading this, I know the changes may seem small and I think they would positively impact the use of the great software, which SER undoubtedly is :)


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