Skip sites from the following languages

I was wondering what your experience is with the option setting : Skip sites from the following languages
If the site i want to promote is 100% in English and the keywords i specify in GSA SER are all English keywords, and the content i add is obviously also all in English - would it make sense to use that filter "Skip sites from the following languages" and only allow English sites.
I can imagine that it will improve the relevancy of the backlink destination as the site from where u get a backlink will be also in English and it is more likely the content will be relevant to the KW used for scraping.
Will the use of: "Skip sites from the following languages" increase memory consumption and reduce LPM because now GSA SER have to spend more time to check the language of the destination and then make a decision based on the language.
Would really appreciate yur thoughts on the use of : "Skip sites from the following languages"
If the site i want to promote is 100% in English and the keywords i specify in GSA SER are all English keywords, and the content i add is obviously also all in English - would it make sense to use that filter "Skip sites from the following languages" and only allow English sites.
I can imagine that it will improve the relevancy of the backlink destination as the site from where u get a backlink will be also in English and it is more likely the content will be relevant to the KW used for scraping.
Will the use of: "Skip sites from the following languages" increase memory consumption and reduce LPM because now GSA SER have to spend more time to check the language of the destination and then make a decision based on the language.
Would really appreciate yur thoughts on the use of : "Skip sites from the following languages"
I don't think there is a point in limiting yourself to english sites only as sites in other languages link to english sites all the time (there are just much more english speaking users than e.g. german), It should impact your LpM because now ser has to go through more stuff and exclude some of it, so e.g. setting up an italian campaign and excluding italian sites would give you a huge drop in LpM. The drop for en english campaign omitting italian sites would be smaller.
My idea of link building is not to just drop links anywhere and everywhere i can, because all those non relevant links will do more harm than good and it just aint natural for an English site with English content to all of a sudden get backlinks from non English sites
So instead of building a million links of which 75% is on non relevant sites, i would prefer only 1000 links but from sites which are relevant, which is why i thought that by omitting the sites with languages not same as my site i am promoting, would increase relevancy. And that would be the case thru all tiers in my project.
If the objective is merely to build as many links as possible then the language option should not be used.
My concern is that many sites don't use meta language tags ( including this forum -- there is no language meta tags ).
@Sven If a site has no meta language tag what does GSA SER then classify it under -- is the language exclude option reliable ????
It will take the domain and match against the language typically used on such domains. E.g. a .de domain would have German as language, .fr French and so on.
If the domain is some general one like .com or .net, .org... it will resolve the IP, match against the country it is registered in and take the language spoken in that area.
This is done very quickly so not much cpu usage here...don't worry.
Thanks for the info, but how accurate is that, because someone could live in Japan, and have a Japanese language website which is hosted on a server in the USA, using any of the mayor hosting companies like Godaddy or something, The IPwill be a USA IP but the site would be in Japanese.
For instance a TLD could be .za or newer TLD's = .Zulu both these are from South Africa -- South Africa have 11 official languages including English. I think i would be correct in saying that +75% of all domains are hosted in the USA
I don't think that you can get the language of a site by just looking at the TLD or the domain IP
If the site language is determined by the TLD or IP only then it is definitely not going to be 85% perfect, more like 10%.
I would say you are more likely to see a increase in number of submissions by not selecting the language option and only use a filter to include only these : !.com !.org !.net !.edu !.gov !.info !.uk !.ca !.us
Well it's as accurate as it can get. Also the lang-tag is used in priority, the rest of the detection comes in if no lang tag was found and no typical language specific tld was used.
The only way to improve this would be a analysis of how many stop words are found on the page from all kinds of languages and make a decision on that. However that method would take a lot of resources in my eyes, and then again I have not that much stop words I can rely on.
OK thank you for the clarification.
I think i will not set the language filter, as i need to squeeze as much RAM out of the system.
I think it is not that likely that i will get a non English site since my keywords are all English, so what ever the search engine finds will be most likely be English sites in anyway.
Question: Does the language filter also check excisting Global site list links or is the langauge filter only used for search engines