73000 verifieds turns into 2000 on new projects
Hi. I've been running xpressengine and mediawiki projects with 73.000 verifieds imported directly.
I simply duplicate the projects and edit new URL's and keywords. Used to run with 250 LPM for many months, lately there's some strange bug. I blast at 250 LPM and after around 2000 verifieds there's no links left in "show left target URL's". It's still running though and stuck at around 20LPM.
Can anybody help me with this, I am desperate for help.
I think something happened to these engines. I am not sure if it is a SER script issue, or possibly some spam measure that the engine platforms are doing. But something isn't right.
And as @supermanden said, it just started happening in the past few days.
Maybe @sven can take a look - let me/us know if you need anything @sven to help you out. These are two very productive engines for contextuals, so losing them would be a huge blow. Thanks.
@Justin - We were seeing something wrong, and then you got a hold of us, and then we started digging around. So thanks for the heads-up. ^:)^
Engines change their login process among other things from time to time, and a lot of times they do it to fight off people like us, lol. But I agree, I think they changed some stuff within the last few days because we are having a difficult time posting to these properties now.