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Replace LpM with a different metric

As the LpM statistic is pretty misleading maybe replace it with an LBE (Link Building Efficiency), which basically is a live updated verified/submitted %. Or rename LpM as SpM (Submitted per minute). Or replace it with VpM (Verified Per Minute) and add LBE. Basically any of the above changes would make people focus more on the quality of their link building than on the quantity.


  • SvenSven
    Actually a good idea. But people are so much focused on this LpM now...I guess it would do more harm than good. But yes, something else will defently come one day the stats about footprints/search engines and so on is done.
  • Great to hear. You rock!
  • @ferryman why are you 'making us' focus on anything ...sounds alot like a dictatorship to me! :P
  • edited March 2014
    Heck this a great a day. You should add all of them and let the user decide which one to show by default.
  • +1 for this
  • also make a option where we can disable/enable  stats . I am sure stats consume a good amount of CPU,it would be useful for people who run basic vps .
  • SvenSven
    @DonCorleone no, it's not taking up any cpu processing. Just an id is carried along where the url came from and what search engine/footprint was used.
  • @PeterParker - muahahahaha :P
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