Does option "Verified Links must have exact URLs" work for inner URL as it should?
Last night I watched some helpful GSA SER videos and had a thought about one option in GSA SER which might cause problems at verified link count and ruin TIER linking all together!

Let's say I rank for inner page of my site and put that in my URL field.

In project options I select "Verified Links must have exact URLs".

and put for example 60% "Domain as anchor text" or with other words I will build 60% of my links with anchor.

Where might be the problem you ask?
Well option "Verified Links must have exact URLs" will go out and search the submitted pages for "" even though I put 60% Domain as anchor ( It will miss 60% of your links because it searches for that exact URL "" and not "". This will cause that those pages which have domain as anchor will not be counted as verified links and you won't be able to build tiers onto them further.
Could Sven check this thread to confirm if GSA SER works as it should?
If that's the case then...interesting, I didn't know that. I thought SER has some kind of database in the background where it knows that it built a root domain link on target site A, an inner page link on target site B and when it verifies, it knows which of the links should have root and which links should have the inner page link and applies the option accordingly.
Wait, I mixed the options up I think.
There is the option to use the domain as anchor text and there is an option to use the root url as link in some variations. You are talking about the 1st one here I see now?
Well indeed that domain anchor is used on some variations and is not influenced by any other option.