verified links matrix features - improving the index check
I noticed today that indexed check was inlcuded in the verified list functions
while a good addition I would like it slightly improved
now its just making green the indexed and red the non indexed
how about creating a new column of cached date that would get n/a for non indexed pages
and the date that was last cached in order to be able to export this column with the rest
of the data ?
while a good addition I would like it slightly improved
now its just making green the indexed and red the non indexed
how about creating a new column of cached date that would get n/a for non indexed pages
and the date that was last cached in order to be able to export this column with the rest
of the data ?
I would welcome a new column for that in order to keep all the verified links in one csv when exporting
and not to merge them later on as indexed and non-indexed but I guess if nobody else wants it ...
indexed means that the page was indexed/cached after the date the link was verified to be on the page ?
right ?
when I close the window of verified links the index information is lost
and I have to run another check for all of them the next time I enter the dialog
If your link is dropped on a page that already existed, like a blog comment, trackback, etc. it's usually just a matter of pinging to get the spiders to come back and crawl the page and notice your link so that's not really a big deal.
The index checking is more useful for the platforms that actually create a new page/url like wiki's, vbulletin blogs or anything that creates a brand new page, profile, etc that needs to be checked for indexing.
I would welcome a way to get google cached date which can be compared with the verified date in order to determine if google has seen the link or not
hope it makes sense
I would create a column in the verified links matrix called google cached date
the code in javascript to get google cache date is
"" + encodeURIComponent(url)
for example to get the google cached date for is
then you can scrape the date and time from top of document and put value in the matrix
one can call get "cached date check" like calling "index check" and grab each cached date
of course you have to use proxies for each check or allow 1 minute before calling again the google webservice
if I could take this further
I would create another column "google seen link" that would take values yes/no
and I would compare the creation date/time with the cached date/time
if second one is later we know google has seen the link and cached date does not need checked again
I think that information would be very very usefull since we can sort of see changes in rankings
according to link seen and stop guessing what link are powerful and what not
hope people find this useful and that sven gives it a shot