How to index faster?
I'm using GSA indexer and instantlinkindexer but for some reason i have very few indexed links, like 200 (ahrefs) for 2k verified after 4,5 days of processing. I don't know what happened but in the past i was getting a few thousands just by using gsa indexer. What can i do to index faster? You can recommend me new indexing websites/software, anything it doesn't matter the price, i just need to index FAST.
And some gsa indexer questions:
1. What is better to use, full indexer or quick indexer for youtube videos?
2. Should i use proxies for GSA indexer as well or only for GSA SER are needed?
3. I installed GSA indexer on my pc and on my vps with the same license, how is that possible since i have 1 license. I splitted the links, half on my pc and half on the vps, will work twice as fast or will just work at 50% capacity on my pc and 50% on the vps?
1. the full indexer is always better but as it is a deep link you need to index, you should only use the deep link mode. youtube as webpage should be indexed already
2. no need for proxies in my eyes
3. its not allowed and you will soon loose the license if you do not stop it...the license server knows about your violation already and will send you a warning email...if ignored it is blacklisted the same day. So better not play games with us.