I think the idea is the ser checking every spin version before posting and if none give the warning . + 1 for this one or possibility to set minimum uniqueness percentage like 75 % min, use all of those and then warning . replace article .
@dimitribanksthe idea is even this, especially for tier 1! but the only thing I disagree is the percentage i like more 90% is more safer and I think the percentage should be given to define because each one has its opnion!
"Only 5c per search" ... isn't that a bit expensive? I mean this would do several queries on a submission even for tier1. Credits are eaten way to fast. All I can imagine how this is going to work is this:
[CopyScape] button in article manager that takes a random spin version from each article added and does a search. At the end you get a list of the articles and there uniques.
But how will it work with spintax?
@dimitribanksthe idea is even this, especially for tier 1! but the only thing I disagree is the percentage i like more 90% is more safer and I think the percentage should be given to define because each one has its opnion!
"Only 5c per search" ... isn't that a bit expensive? I mean this would do several queries on a submission even for tier1. Credits are eaten way to fast. All I can imagine how this is going to work is this:
[CopyScape] button in article manager that takes a random spin version from each article added and does a search. At the end you get a list of the articles and there uniques.