Yea of course! right click the article area within your project and navigate to the folder containing your articles.... it will pick one at random for each submission
so if i have 100 articles in folder and want GSA to post only 100 submitted ..will gsa remember which ones are posted and which ones are not? I mean can i get GSA to post all those 100 articles and then I can manually pause the project? What I want to do is post all those 100 articles and GSA shoudln't post 1 article multiple that achievable?
That is great news. I don't thinks so GSA can remember or delete the articles afterwards.
What about the titles? If I use 10 spun articles randomly with "use contents of a random file", this feature will pull the first paragraph as the title or you can only have a spun general title for all the articles?
the program does not remember what article was submitted and never will.
By the way GSA is the company no software is called GSA alone