5 New Captchas
Hi @Sven,
This time I'm trying to wait until I have at least 5 captcha's reported as unknown that I believe CB would be able to crack.
Here are the new ones I've found: http://theincubatormagazine.com/registration/register.php http://www.fullerconfidence.com/?q=user http://www.cityalert.com/community/?L=registration.register http://adultchatters.co/smartcaptcha/smart-captcha/index/ http://socialhitt.com/index.php?do=/user/register/
If any of these are possible for CB to crack that would be great!
P.s - The adultchatter.co one changes between math problems and word problems, I think CB could handle the math ones that's why I included it in the list. Just refresh the url a few times and you will see the math questions show up.
I see that you added this captcha: http://socialhitt.com/index.php?do=/user/register/
But as I watched CB work I noticed that it was was recognizing it as an unknown. Here is the screenshot I took so you can see:
I believe that's the captch listed at Social Network > PHPfox > Complex
An update to fix this would be much appreciated as you can imagine.