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Threads and internet connection

Hi, I have a newbie question.

If I correctly understand 'threads' mean how many operations SER can handle simultaneously. I have a quite OK dedicated computer but don't know about my internet connection. It is ~5mbps download and ~400kbps upload (~700Kbytes DOWN and ~50Kbytes UP). Maybe you know how much of it takes 1,10,50 threads approximately? I know you like to use term bandwith but I don't know where to look for specs on this and even don't know  well what it is.



  • goonergooner
    Your connection is fairly slow so maybe start with just 10 - 50 threads. If it kills your internet you will know to lower the threads ;)
  • Thanks.

    What is more important: upload speed or download? 

    I think I will be able to change my ISP and to increase my overall speed a bit..
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