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I recive " E-Mail login error for Connection timed out" and problem with proxy

1. When i create campaing i add 2-3 email adress...I tested and all are ok...after i start campaig i recive  E-Mail login error for Connection timed out...I go on email and test again..sometimes is working sometimes not working...why?

2. I was buying  30 private proxy...i tested all config i put also public and private proxy...and after 10 min when campaign working...00:45:24: [!] Proxy might be blocked on DuckDuckGo Arabia (en)...a lots of that messages...

Can u expain me what i do wrong?I attached 2 prtscrimage


And sorry for my english


  • SvenSven

    email errors: do you use some anti virus program? Im using AVAST and it came to my attention that they seem to block access to it from time to time when trying to intercept the connection. It times out and I get such message. Maybe try to add the program to the white list of your anti virus if this happens all the time.

    Also when using proxies with emails, it might be just a problem there.

    proxies on search engine queries: you use public and private proxies on search engines. So yes, you can expect that the pubic proxies are all blocked by search engines after a while. They are usually not anonymous (unless you test against this) and they are very unstable and probably used by many people...the result is what you see.

    Use only private proxies there and maybe set a custom waiting time between search queries and set it to 120 seconds or more.

  • hello,

    I use a virtual machine with no antivirus install.Regardin email is the first time i recive this...i will select only prvivate...but here i have a problem also...if i test this proxy and the Timeout is under 30 sec , all proxy is not working..if i test proxy with konten machine all work...i pay for private what is the best timeout to set?

  • SvenSven
    timeout in proxy testing or in submission settings?
  • edited January 2014
    timeout in proxy testing..becouse now is set at 50 sec

    and also..for the good to activate time between to login"??
  • SvenSven
    50 seconds is indeed very high. Is it your connection that is so slow?
  • No, my connection is ok...for 1 week i have this problem...until that all my private proxy was ok...if i let 5 sec (defaut of gsa) ..i don't have any proxy good..also avaible for the email very frustrating becouse i like very mouch this soft..and i used over 1 year...but now...i stay 24/24 h to check the proxy, email..i have a lots of error....i have to deliver backlinks to my client...and i can find any solution..if u have any solution...maybe u can give me a prt scr with the best setting..and try that..Tks

  • SvenSven
    but if proxies only come back as OK with 50 seconds timeout, it means that either your connection is slow or your proxies are not that good.
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