Add RSS Feed (uses...
Hi @Sven
When you use the Add RSS feed from the add url dropdown, should it still post links to the root/main URL if you have that selected?
I thought it did, but on a new campaign I recently edited to work this way, it just seems to be linking to the posts in the RSS and not to the main site URL.
I then checked a campaign that has been running for a while and it seems it hasn't been doing for a while (i went back as far as 6th Jan)
When you use the Add RSS feed from the add url dropdown, should it still post links to the root/main URL if you have that selected?
I thought it did, but on a new campaign I recently edited to work this way, it just seems to be linking to the posts in the RSS and not to the main site URL.
I then checked a campaign that has been running for a while and it seems it hasn't been doing for a while (i went back as far as 6th Jan)
Any chance you get this to work in one of the updates?
Creating links to the posts, but not the home page is a bit unnatural and it seems silly to have to set up two campaigns to build links to one site - one campaign to the posts and the other to the home page.
Perhaps I didn't explain it very clearly
I've set up a campaign that uses the RSS feed from one of my blogs so that SER can create links to those posts, but what I also want to do is build links to the homepage at the same time.
So I clicked "Use the root/main URL with" tick box and set it at 50%, so that SER would create 50% of the links to the home page and the other 50% to the URLs it gets from the RSS feed.
However it doesn't do that, it just posts to the URLs it pulls from the RSS feed and ignores the the "Use the root/main URL with" settings