Html variations and Export spinned content in files
Hello everyone.
I am a happy user of GSA and I would like to suggest 2 features.
- Html variations: This could be a group of sets where we can arrange percentages of the used text that will be in bold, undelined, italic, make calls to css files or create divs (even if they do not exist) just for increasing the uniqueness.. Also in this group could fit text and font variations (by setting maximum and minimum font sizes and the collection of fonts that will be used) that could based again on a percentage. The html variations can be applied to random words inside our text, inside our link, or both. Also an option that will allow html variations only inside the sentence where the link will appear will be also usefull.
One variation
<div id="jrand10"></div>
<p style="display:none"><a target="_blank" title="web hosting reviews" href="">best web hosting</a></p>
Another variation
<div id="zrand151"></div>
<p style="display:none"><a target="_blank" href="" style="font-weight:bold;">best web hosting</a></p>
- Export spinned content in files: Is it possible to export a number of txt files from the content that we have setted on “Data” tab? The exported txt files will respect all the options that are setted for anchor texts, by exporting them as well. It would be a series of files like the one that we are getting if we hit the Test button. The series of the txt files then can be used for manually editing for those that need much more control on their submitted content. Then the “cleared” txt files can be used for import and use from GSA. If it is possible it will be also convenient to export also one part of the spinned content (i.e only the main content, and not URL, Keywords, Anchor_Text or Anchor_Text fields.
Thank you for your time
I believe that both features have a place in our campaigns. Count my vote also to those
Thank you for your consideration and your commitment to GSA. Truly GSA surpsass any other SEO software and this is not by luck. The reason is you!
About the HTML variations. This could involve the html link and/or the rest of the article. It is a fact that Google is able to read the source code of pages aswell. A random pattern, by applying random styles (such as bold, italic, div styles, font colors, font family,font size, link titles, link targets and so on) controlled by a percentage (like in the other fields of GSA) will create such a labyrinth of options that is impossible to be followed by Google.
Thank you for your answer Sven,
Your concern about flagging the whole project as spam due to random assignment of styles seems logical. What I believe best is to assign those “random” styles to html links only. So if for instance in some links there is bold style assigned, then all the link will be in bold. I have send you a screenshot of how I imagine this functionality. Right now I have included only some elements but if you find it interesting I can work on the html elements aswell.
My image has a column of html elements, another one that sets their position inside the code of the html link, another one that shows some sub-ptions of each element and how frequent they will be shown when this type of element will be shown and last a column that shows the probability for this element to be shown each time a new html link is generated.
Current version has all that included. Actually it's a big thing that should make article content more unique and you can configure this to the max.
Project Option->Article Manager->Insert HTML Variations -> Configure
Right now the variations are only seen in Preview not in Test in case you wonder.