Article scraping and spinning on autopilot
Jest wandering if this can be added to SER . Recently checked articles that SER produces from ''search online'' option and they were pretty readable and when checked with copyscape also no match found . Very good . So can we have feature that when the project runs out of unique versions of the articles SER scrapes and spins, ads articles automatically to the project with keywords for scraping specified in the field .
Thats already working. Use the macro %random_article%. It will get a article based on keywords/anchor text. If you want to spin it before, use:
#spin %random_article% #nospin
If you want to mix more articles to one use:
See macro guide for more.
#spin %random_anchor_text% #nospin
#spin %random_articlemix1% #nospin
and i press preview it just shows the macro syntax (only the summary is shown)
#spin %spinfolder-X:\GSA_SER_FILES\articles\myarticle\xxx% #nospin
work too ?
#spinwoanchor blahblahblah #nospinnwoanchor
-> this keeps all the anchors and doesn't spin them in the article
#spinwokeywords blahblahba #nospinkeywods
-> this keeps all the keywords and doesn't spin them in the article
and maybe one with both together, is this possible ?
i mean i add there more than one line it uses randomly one of the added settings ?