@Live4therisk, @newbieseo, If you go to our site: www.serlists.com and sign up for our mailing list, you will get a step by step guide including screenshots. We also have guides that detail all of our SER settings.
I must admit, i am very pleased to meet people like you. I saw your website and noticed you're not selling lists anymore. As i get better with SER i'd love to try them someday and repay the favor.
We are going to be selling a new list very, very shortly. Verified lists go bad. Blog comments for example, roll to a new page. Fresh verified lists are everything. Don't bother with the stuff on Fiverr, etc. Those lists are dogs with fleas. You'll be lucky if 1% of those URLs turn into links. You can scrape faster.
You can repay the favor by contributing where you can to the community and passing it along. We were all noobs once (except for @Ron). God has no birth date.
You don't get what you need until you give enough people what they need.
Satans_Apprentice , you a rock brother... thanks for this share.. I'll joint with subsciber from your web now.. i'm newbie here and need more tips about SER..
Until now I was just importing my 4m+ sitelist to a project and try to verify it with the project. Took ages for a few thousand urls. I feel so stupid now. Thank you so much for this thread!
@yenerich: no, the only way to remove a link from verified is to clean your verified list. SER has a function for that, but we think it deletes some URLs unnecessarily.
If you want to clean your verified list, move it to "identified" and empty your verified folder. Run SER from your identified folder.
Whatever makes it to your verified folder is legit.
Ok so I set this up as instructed in OP. Do I need to do import target urls by right clicking project after this and then select the folder where I imported the list earlier or will SER read it automatically?
To better understand it and learn it, I have compiled all the information I have read in this forum so I’ve to thank to all of you from sharing such good information. All I have done is organise all the information to have it all together so when my head get’s confused I have a “aaahaaaaa” document to clear my thoughts and feel the force again.
Regarding lists there are 3 different processes:
A - Processing a Verified, Sorted, Premium List (aka good way to import lists that you have bought)
B - Processing Raw Lists (scraped url’s from SB, GScraper etc)
C - Cleaning Your Verified Lists
Let’s go into detail .
A - Processing a Verified, Sorted, Premium List
1. Clean your Identified folder
2. Make a copy of your list (.sl file) and paste it on the Identified folder
3. In Advanced Global Settings be sure to only check Verified (to only allow SER to write in this folders, all the others are read-only folders)
4. Create 1 Dummy Project and cloner it 4/8/10/50 times to “clean” dead links in the premium list
a Select All Engines
b Uncheck all Search Engines
c Select to use global site lists, only Identified Checked (to read your new premium list url’s)
d Post a dummy url like wikipedia
5. Select All Dummy Projects and change Status for Active
6. Let it run like a mad man
7. Target URLs will end up, red signal before project name.
8. List is All Verified
9. The Pure Gold List is now located at your Verified Folder
10. Select All Dummy Projects and Change the status for Inactive
B - Processing Raw Lists from Scrapebox (used for this example)
1. At SB Re dupe Url’s (if it’s huge do also re dupe domains)
2. Export this raw list as a txt file
3. At SER Create 1 Dummy Project and clone it 4/5/10/100 times (depending on the size of the raw list )
a Select All Engines
b Uncheck All SEngines
c Post a dummy link to wikipedia
4. Select All The Clones and Import Target Urls > From File > the raw list as txt file from #2
5 On Your Global Settings only the Verification Check is Checked
6. Select All Dummy Projects and change Status for Active
7 Hit Play let the man do his work
8 All The clones will end up running out of target url’s (red symbol before project’s name)
9 Your Raw List is Processed, All the Gold (verified links) are in your Verified Folder.
10. Select All Dummy Projects and Change the status for Inactive
C One a week/month Clean your Verified Lists
Process A and B write to your Verified folder all those gold nuggets that you have scraped or from those premium lists but, unfortunately a lot of those links will die, not exist, result in 404 ..gold nuggets become heavy stones that will slow your mad man running = low your Lpm. So it’s time for take those heavy stones (bad links) from your way and stay only with the gold nuggets (good links).
——In this process you can’t run other projects—
1. Stop All Projects On SER
2. Copy your existent list at Verified folder to a different location (this is your gold nuggets mixed with heavy stones)
3. Clean Your verified folder (be sure to have backup your verified list step #2)
4. Clean Your Idenfified Folder
4 In Global Settings Be sure to have only checked Verified (always have only this one selected)
5. Copy your “to-clean” verify list to the Identified folder.
6. Create 1 Dummy Project and Clone it 5/10/50 times depend on the size of your “to-clean” verified list
a Select All Engines
b Uncheck All SEngines
c Global Site Lists Check(only) Indentified
d Post to a dummy link like wikipedia
7. Select All Your Real Projects and Change Status to Inactive (only your dummy projects can run in this operation)
8. Select All Your Dummy Projects , created at 6, change Status to Active
9. Press Play and Let Mad Man go all over your “Precious”
10. Dummy Projects will run out of Target Url’s, red symbol will show up
11. Stop SER
12. Clean Your Identified Folder , now all your gold nuggets (good links) are at your Verified Folder
So …
When you buy a list , process it from identified to verified .
When you have a raw list process it from Import Links to Verified
When you want to clean your verified list, do it from identified to verified.
In the end …
The idea is to always have your Best Verified List at Verified Folder, and all the Real projects get links from there.
In each steps there are small details and configurations that I haven't listed here, otherwise this would get even bigger. This is just the main steps you have to follow.
To check which Engines are performing better I compare Successful vs Verified lists but since you don't write your Submitted links how do you check which engines are performing better ?
@1957525979 - No need for large letters. We can all read.
Like @Nikodim said, if your goal is to process every URL once, then you import the list straight into projects, and you do not check to use sitelists in projects. When it is done processing, the project stops.
Also like he said, a single pass will not ensure that every target is either successfully or unsuccessfully priocessed. What if there is line noise in the proxies? That is exactly why you want more than one project / one posting attempt to each URL. There are factors well beyond SER's control that could affect its ability to effectively and efficiently process each target.
The other benefit is squeezing every possible link out of a list. If you import it directly, it will maximize the number of unique targets you have in your verified list faster. Like he said, the other method make take quite a while to process every target because it is random. So if your goal is to extract every working target out of a list as efficiently as possible, then set up some dummy projects with a fake URL (or your own if you are pure spamming), and let it process.
I have a really basic question. I am using the Serlist and have followed all of the uploading instructions. I am new so it took me a while to get it all configured. My question is on the project data screen when you are uploading your project data to the left is a column that says: Where to Submit.
If you are using a list should you be concerned with what is or isn't check off in this column?
I didn't see any mention of it so I assume not but just wanted to be sure. As I said I am really NEW to all of this and still learning what does what. thanks!
Hi, in between happens a lot of changements and update on GSA. and i would like to ask current which is The right way to import verified site lists and in the meantime keep my old verified list.
so another benefit is " squeezing every possible link out of a list." right?
so totally 2 benefit from OP method and 1 drawback(randomly select, make it more slow)
Am I right?
Thank you @kiosh for the bang-up job of clearing this up for me and @ron for chiming in yet again and filling in the gaps.
Not sure I really want to squeeze out every possible link. I might go with 2 Dummy Projects to start.
in between happens a lot of changements and update on GSA.
and i would like to ask current which is The right way to import verified site lists and in the meantime keep my old verified list.