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Readable content for first tier?

What program/service are you using that can generate readable spun content? I want to use readable content for my first tier.


  • ACW works well (I use it all the time) and @collywobbles (the author is on the forums all the time
  • Agree with davbel. I still use ACW and it does what I need. 
  • ronron

    Guys, you have to check out The Leading Articles. Human spun, sentence spun, 200+% unique.

    The crazy good part is that Kontent Machine integrated the Leading Articles API. So from KM you can just grab it and insert your link tokens, and bring it into SER.

    These are articles you can put on your money sites. In fact, I use them to create post content on my money sites. You can easily use it for T1 and be a very happy camper - especially with those human moderated platforms.

  • Article builder is good as well, but my new love is WordAI Turing. Use KMs article getter, and drop it into Word AI. Readable article. If you want perfect, it might need 5 minutes of cleanup. The spins are good enough for a money site. Very scary technology, but it is pricey. The good news is you can spin (500) x 500 word articles per month, and you can zip up all of your articles and drop them in all at once. In 2 months of service with WordAI Turing, you can create 1000 articles that are great for tier 1 and with 5 minutes of edits could be put on a money site.
  • @ron - Have you checked out these articles for uniqueness?  I used some last June time and I found them to have already been used enough times for it to be an issue. (Maybe that was just the article or my niche)

  • ronron
    I did run some checks in copyscape and everything was good. Like you said it might be because of the niche, but it also probably has to do with how lazy people are in not using them.
  • @dabvel . ACW produces nice readable articles, but what about uniqueness . do you post them as the come up or  alter them till they  get pass copyscape?  What is the rules  here after what amount of dup words content become duplicate/useless ? 
  • yeah @collywobbles ACW is a great one time fee product i used it for all my stuff ... like the local articles and online articles mix stuff and much more,)
  • ACW scrapes relevant articles and mashes up the sentences. The articles it produces will be unique but the sentences will all have come from other published articles of course. If you use a word spinner as well (eg Spin Rewriter etc) then the sentences also become unique. It depends how detailed you want to get, eg you may be happy for unique articles and not be worried about extra word spinning.
  • I have to agree on WordAI - it is great. ACW is also pretty impressive :)

    I did buy into Content Foundry and really have never been happy with it. Anyone using it successfully?
  • edited February 2014
    I'm a new user of KM, but I'm not happy with it. KM3 scrapes very different topics for the same keyword, if the keyword have 2 or more words.
    For example, if I create content  for "Car Insurance New York" (just for example), it scrapes and mix content about car insurances, Restaurant in New York, Museum in New York and so on, later it mix all the paragraphs and sentences, and give me a "hotchpotch" of topics very different. Using TBS after scraping, at the end I get unique articles, but completely with no meaning. Horribles.

    And if I try to use also secondary keywords the results is even worst.

    For the people who use other article scrapers, do you have this kind of problem? (Same keyword with different meanings).

    @scm I'm thinking to try your tool, if it works better than KM for this problem
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    @Samx I also used CF in the past and thought it was great. The truth is all of the content tools are pretty good lol. I've played with KM, ACW, CF and WAC and they all get the job done.
  • donaldbeck you saying if you use the contents as produced from this tools it will work ?  Readability is great no doubt, but  the hole sentences not passing copyscape . this is my consern 
  • IMHO if it is getting indexed then I think it is going to be ok. I'd be careful with duplicate content on the site you are ranking but if it is in the tiers I am not so sure it is a problem. I don't know for sure but I am testing it now because I have heard "people who should know" say it doesn't matter that much. :)
  • Samx  well thanks for the input . I will test this also then . see how it goes 
  • edited February 2014
    Hi, here is a sample (without any word spinning) from AutoContentWriter for "car insurance" "new york", I used quotes to ensure the words new york occur next to each other in the scraped articles. One of the problems when your keywords include specific locations or brand names is that there is so little material out there to scrape from...

    New York Car Insurance Online

    With some quick research, you may find yourself saving a lot of money. Consider this - You are thinking of presenting a car to your parents or your partner? Make sure you give out accurate info when you request a New York auto insurance quote on the internet. Unless you provide the company with accurate info they are under no obligation to honer their quote. Mr Stonecipher had car insurance and health insurance which covered all related expenses but the legal fees to defend himself from a baseless lawsuit which he ultimately won, were all put-of-pocket expenses for Stonecipher and left him nearly broke and searching for some type of legal coverage that would have minimized those expenses as well. With no existing providers of legal expense coverage, Stonecipher decided he would start his own company that would provide individuals with an insurance-like product that would help individuals with some reimbursing of designated legal expense costs. Putting in a little time in research can help you get the best price. Are you searching for a lower auto insurance premium in Syracuse? Here are some ways to ensure you get the best deal available. Each car insurance company makes the determination on how much to charge drivers based on their personal information, such as driving record, age, etc. Syracuse is a city in New York and Syracuse auto insurance is naturally affected by the New YorkState laws as well as the insurance risks and conditions as per New Yorkers. If you are staying in Syracuse and is looking to lower your current car insurance, then you should read on to learn more about Syracuse Auto Insurance system. Insurance Depending on the state, Geico offers between 3 to 10 percent off automobile insurance. Liberty Mutual also offers car insurance discounts. The type, model, weight and size are the direct factors affecting the cost of shipping. Not to forget the cost of shipping insurance, which needs to be purchased in any case, before shipping the car. Apple has recently offered various discounts on iPods and computers. Government discounts are abundant, but are often overlooked. This is, for a 20 foot container when you are looking at cost to ship car across country. You would be astonished to know that a 40 feet container will be able to hold 47,500 pounds. You can probably get a big discount by installing anti-theft devices, graduating college, or taking safety courses. Check to see if they offer any special discounts. Just then you have a friend visiting you who has done it. Wouldn't you be relieved? The first step to getting car insurance in New York is to understand the laws and the best way to ensure you pay the lowest rates. New York uses the No-Fault system which means your insurer will pay for any injury claims regardless of who is at fault. You may be able to find better rates if you research and ask for discounts. a New York auto insurance quote online freely and without obligation. New York has some of the most expensive car insurance in the country. For this reason, shopping around for your New York car insurance is even more important than if you live in many other states. The good part, when it comes to shipping, is that if at all you are moving to a place where the standard of living is already high and you do not want it to weigh heavily on your pockets by selling the car and buying a new one, then a logical and practical thing to do is to ship the car. This way, you would be relieved of monetary as well as mental stress. But, by understanding the coverage you really need and shopping around for the best rates, you can find the best deal available. Traditionally, you lose certain rights to sue under this system and the details of this system vary from one state to the next. Almost the same thing happened with one of my uncles. Hence, I am writing this for those who want to enlighten themselves with the knowledge of how much does it cost to ship car! You are not in the same town as they are so, you are obviously thinking of shipping the car, right?
  • collywobbles  what spin width you'd recommend to start with ?  
  • davbel can you advice some good settings for AWC ? 
  • For a spun article, the spin width is the number of alternatives within each sentence eg {A|B|C} {D|E|F} has a spin width of 3 as there are 3 alternatives in each sentence. The higher the spin width then the more unique your articles will be.
  • collywobbles  thanks m8 . am all good at this time  :D 
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