Verified List Cleaner
Could you create a process that would help us get the dead links out of our Verified Lists? For example, you could have SER delete URLs when they fail repeatedly, or move them to another directory. It would be something like right click Status=>Active Cleanup. I experienced what happens when you run SER off of a verified list with bad URLs. LPM plummets, and bandwidth usage goes crazy.
Re-verify links on all projects
Delete verified list (or copy to some other place if you don't want to lose it).
Select: Options - Advanced - Tools - Add urls from project - Verified.
SER will then copy all those re-verified links into your empty verified list, giving you a nice fresh list of only good links.
Re-post to url's is the only way to know they are good for sure i guess.
1. In options, disable every search engine and just leave site lists enabled or even better start it with Active (site lists only).
2. right click on project->import target urls->from fite lists....
3. start
Your project will inform you that it finished due to some "important messages".
@sven : Could you please help me with this?
I have been cleaning my list for the last 30 hours or so (yes, it's working non-stop since yesterday).
I did Options > Advanced > Tools > Clean up
The progress bar is full but it keeps on running. If I stop it, will I lose the clean-up that was done?
Do you know of another way to get this list clean-up?
Create new project, check all platforms.
Import Verified site list to new project.
Delete ALL files in Verified folder.
Run project.
You'll be left with only newly verified sites in your Verified folder.
But what if I already have 90 projects running? Should I do a backup, delete and restore after the process?
After almost 2 days the progress bar is also at the end but it continues to run through URLs and is currently showing 12 Million URLs - which is weird since the list itself only had 1.2 million after dup URLs and dupe domains have been removed before I started that clean-up.
See here:
And maybe @sven can double check why it continues to check URLs even after the 1.2 Million URLs that are in the verified list have clearly been checked already.
Brandon's cleanup process is different and makes sense, but then again the clan-up that is under Tools should work as well I guess - at least to get rid of dead URLs and it also re-identifies the URLs if I remember correctly.
I aborted the process. Then it finished the threads and then told me it has added these 12 Million URLs to my list. I was wondering what happened and ran dedupe or URLs and dedupe of domains on that failed list again and then it removed 11.x Million URLs again. So now the cleaned list - if it was cleaned at all is back to 1.2Million.
Same with .SL sitelist, import them in Failed folder, then I use a tool called TXT Collectior which combine the files in the different folders into a single txt file. I then import that single txt file using Import and identified, it will normally clean out the deadlinks.
I know it is a bit of a time consuming process specially if the list are large, but you end up with a much cleaner list which translate into more submissions, high LPM
Thanks in advance.
You can import a .sl at the project level and the URL's will just be added to your already created site list.
It sounds like you either have to make multiple generic projects to save the verified links
Export your list, combine them with new ones (maybe you can import multiple lists to a project?) then delete them from the verified folder and run them all through 1 project.
@sven If it takes too many resources to create a "clean site list feature" then what does the "Clean up" button do in the advanced > tools section do?
When you import a site list (.txt or .sl) at the project level can you import multiple list, or does it replace what you've already added?
Also I found this tutorial on sitelist cleanup on BHW. Hope it's ok to share here.