What Does Status N/A Mean?
I have a feeling it might be because I run too many projects compared to threads/setup. The problem is that my projects are Active but when you hover over them they are N/A.
75 projects on scheduler rotating every 20 minutes, 450 projects in total, with varied Priority. Running CB, EVE and Captcha Sniper (is this the problem?...) I get error messages (red triangle) usually from EVE saying it "could not be solved by 5 different people" and "undefined error" from CS. 180 timeout, 12 seconds between SE searches, private proxies (20 private, 40 semi) for everything and 500 threads, and there are plenty of target URLs left.
Looking at the log it doesn't seem that there is a problem really but this morning especially the majority of the projects were showing N/A - ie. not searching, not posting, not verifying. I don't have any "pause after x amount" projects.