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Verification numbers next to project and bottom do not match

When running the program, the bottom shows verifications done and then next to the project name there is verifications number. In the right window are last verified links. The bottom number is correct as the last verified sites list shows but the verified number next to the project name is not increasing or increasing really slowly. I have done 600 verified links (number in the bottom) but the number next to the project name has increased only by 60. I am only running 1 project.


  • SvenSven
    make a screenshot please.
  • I also experiencing this on v 7.36 it's not picking all the successful link that was submitted on

    I manually double checking the url on the bottom massage that say's submitted successfully, my link is in the page but it's not adding on verified, this is in wiki and bookmark.
  • SvenSven
    @heart submission successful does not mean it's added to verified instantly.
  • oh I see sorry, but Sven can I ask why if I follow the link/site it was submitted on, my link is alive in bookmark, my article and link in live also in wikis, but it's not adding on last verified and the number is not adding in verified coloumn.
  • SvenSven
    sorry I can't say much to that...I need more details (project backup maybe).
  • It's not only for one project. When I created a new project from scratch it counted the verifications correctly (bottom and upper verification numbers matched). I then added two more projects and now it shows only one project verifications correctly, the other two (including the one that was working correctly before) show now random numbers. This bug is really annoying cause I have no idea how many links I have actually created and what project is optimised.
  • SvenSven
    Common, random numbers? Why would it do that?
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