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threads to use vs html vs proxies ??

so can anybody explain this to me i don't get it. 

i know the more private proxies you have.... the more threads you can use.... so the more backlinks gsa can create at once 

how does it relate to html

whats a good setting per proxy (i have 10 private proxies from, and 20 public non provite proxies (the other ones you can buy from private proxies . org) 

search engies, submission, and verification using private proxies... pr checking using public....
(got it from a video) 

if you can explain this to me in detail i'd appreciate it..... and then as i buy  more private and public proxies.... how much more do i increase threads, html, ext. 

also, how many projects can you have running per threads (so like 2 projects for every 100 threads, if you can give me a figure like that i'd appreciate it so i know what to do) 



  • goonergooner
    html timeout is how long SER will wait to get access to any URL. The more proxies/threads you have the higher the timeout should be because SER is "busier".

    I use 120 html timeout with 600 threads and 100 private proxies, but this depends on your system/setup and method - You have to experiment to see what works best and tweak settings here and there.

    I use the scheduler and run 20 - 30 projects at once. Again, depends on other settings.

    I don't think anyone can give you a definitive answer on any of that stuff, you just gotta test it and see what happens.
  • so do you have other proxies.... like i have 10 private, and 20 semi dedicated that i split...

    do you just have 100 private that you use to run everything through. 

    (also, do you leave bandwidth limit at 512 or change that?) 

    thanks :) 
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