20 New Target with high authority
This is a 20 blog hosting platform powered by blogspirit.
Usually i spam it manually because sometimes there moderation is hardcore but there linkjuice is realy insane.
I guess they have more plateforme in other language.
Will you be able to find them?
I hope you'll enjoy and Sven will have time to mod it. Most common footprint is "S'abonner au fil de discussion" "Retenir mes coordonnées" for spamco and trackback and you can merge it with all blog hosting.
This is a 20 blog hosting platform powered by blogspirit.
- You can create your own blog (many with only one account)
- you can create blog post
- you can comment (50% dofollow, 20% auto approved)
- you can trackback (most are dofollow and auto approved
- you can also comment and trackback blog post on self domain premium blogs like http://www.cdansnosgenes.org/archive/2013/09/25/au-nom-de-nos-enfants-89936.html
Usually i spam it manually because sometimes there moderation is hardcore but there linkjuice is realy insane.
I guess they have more plateforme in other language.
Will you be able to find them?

I hope you'll enjoy and Sven will have time to mod it. Most common footprint is "S'abonner au fil de discussion" "Retenir mes coordonnées" for spamco and trackback and you can merge it with all blog hosting.
- site:skynetblogs.be
- site:sundinfo.be
- site:blog.tgd.ch
- site:blogs.nouvelobs.com
- site:hautetfort.com
- site:blogs.ouest-france.fr
- site:blog.24heures.ch
- site:blogs.lavoixdunord.fr
- site:blogspirit.com
- site:20minutes-blogs.fr
- site:blog.leparisien.fr
- site:blogs.apf.asso.fr
- site:blog.youphil.com
- site:blogs.challenges.fr
- site:charentelibre.fr
- site:bordeaux.fr
- site:lalibre.be
- site:youphil.com
- site:courrierinternational.com
- site:ivoire-blog.com
- site:solidairesdumonde.org
Just to remember you that a month later ;-)
+1 - New dofollow contextual platforms that aren't already exploited is a nice advantage to have for ranking.