Save special project settings as [name] and access through project status menu
Hi Sven,
yesterday I had the following idea:
Is it possible to save project settings ("edit" -> the tabs "data" + "options") as a set, give it a name and access this set through project status menu ?
I have a project where I only wanna post a specific list of urls (my "top" urls) and don't want to search in search engines and I want a special ratio of my linktexts appear in this project.
Later on I decide to use this configuration on other projects as well.
Therefore it would be great to have the ability to save a special configuration, give it a name and save this config under "status". From there it could be assigned to one or more projects in the same way as now with "Active (verify only)" or "Active (search only" but with my special configuration.
Is this possible to insert into Ser ?