How to disable Out of memory window?
How to disable Out of memory window?

I found old thread there, when people talking about some new option like "disable memory checking" but I don't see this option in current version of GSA SER.
So how to disable out of memory window?

I found old thread there, when people talking about some new option like "disable memory checking" but I don't see this option in current version of GSA SER.
So how to disable out of memory window?
Want to know this as well
People who don't want this option, could not check it. But I and others need that thing.
If it will restart GSA SER, or stop projects and start again, it will be good, because I don't like babysitting my server few hours per day - now I waiting for this window and click no, no, no, no, or yes, yes, restart gsa, and start projects again.
Windows Task Manager and Cacheman both report 10+ GB of memory free. SER reports low memory use although I notice what SER reports doesn't often correlate with what's shown in Task Manager.
I'm running this SER instance on a VMware ESXi virtual machine - I note above that fakenickahl is also using a virtual machine so perhaps the issue is related to this.
What I do is use the "Wait for window" function to wait for the error window then do whatever steps you deem necessary to get rid of it when it appears. Then use the Go To function to return to the start of the script wait for the error window again.
but there are still free memory in the system
The best solution is to have a stable RDP client somewhere (I open an RDP client on another VM that just sits there) that opens a RDP session so you're in interactive mode.
HOWEVER: i think this can be done with keyboard and mouse interaction. Note think, not deffo for sure.
(Sorry I'm high as f**k from NYE celebrations still)