Import content from files
HI @Sven,
I am trying to import content from files, i have 100 content files and one file for article title, in that file for titles i have a spun of 1000 titles spun together, i try to import articles from a folder in content manager point to the 100 articles folder, then i point to the folder with the file with the 1k titles and try to import but the tool do not import the titles from that one file but just import the content from the article folder, do i do something wrong?
I am trying to import content from files, i have 100 content files and one file for article title, in that file for titles i have a spun of 1000 titles spun together, i try to import articles from a folder in content manager point to the 100 articles folder, then i point to the folder with the file with the 1k titles and try to import but the tool do not import the titles from that one file but just import the content from the article folder, do i do something wrong?
and for your titles use
The file names in your title folder did not match the once in the article folder. They have to be the same or at least the number must match. As nothing worked here it took the first sentence.
Anyway next version makes things more clear here and offers more sources for titles to choose from.