@royalmice sorry but checked everything...all working for me. Guess I really have to see it live on your end now.
@KeyKay, usually just sites get updated, but this time I added some speed improvements + each url created uses another url as referrer from the pool. I don't know if that makes sense, but it looks way more realistic.
@Sven with all due respect every time you respond you tell me you will connect to my machine and see what is the problem, i have given you my teamviewer details several times, i have given you my Skype and i ask you to set a time and i will be here. See you PM's with all the back and forth. You are either too busy, moving house or done have internet connection.
Please i am not trying to piss you off -- i love your tools, but if you you don't mean it, dont post here you will connect to my machine and then never do. It is like promising candy to a kid and never giving it. No disrepect
It has been 2 months since i reported my problem. @Sven told me 5 times he will connect to my PC and look into the problem, i have send 10 PM's to Sven with my contact details ( email, Skype, live chat ), but still NOTHING !!!!
Sven might be the world's best coder but he sucks when it comes to providing product support to existing clients. Not good Sven - Don't promise something several times but dont do it, not good my friend.
Just updated to 1.74, still proxy scraping is not working for me, changelog below.
@Sven so Why does the GSA Ser proxy scraper work just fine and scrape 1000's of proxies -- yes on the same machine
You say : "You should not use google to scrap, maybe use some other providers." --- I am not aware of anywhere in GSA SeO indexer where i have the option to select what providers to use, i just use the default which is ALL
I am free now, do u have 5 minutes to connect via Teamviewer to see the problem?, PLEASE
@royalmice sorry but checked everything...all working for me. Guess I really have to see it live on your end now.
@KeyKay, usually just sites get updated, but this time I added some speed improvements + each url created uses another url as referrer from the pool. I don't know if that makes sense, but it looks way more realistic.
Please i am not trying to piss you off -- i love your tools, but if you you don't mean it, dont post here you will connect to my machine and then never do. It is like promising candy to a kid and never giving it. No disrepect
@Sven told me 5 times he will connect to my PC and look into the problem, i have send 10 PM's to Sven with my contact details ( email, Skype, live chat ), but still NOTHING !!!!
Sven might be the world's best coder but he sucks when it comes to providing product support to existing clients. Not good Sven - Don't promise something several times but dont do it, not good my friend.
Just updated to 1.74, still proxy scraping is not working for me, changelog below.
Searching for new proxies...
-[ 1/3 ]-[ globalproxies.blogspot.com ]--------------------- -- -
no update detected.
Result -> NOTHING Found! Check site.
-[ 2/3 ]-[ google ]----------------------------------------- -- -
DL http://www.google.com/search?q=+”:8080″++”:3128″++”:80″&hl=en&tbo=1&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:d&sa=X&ei=QYesTJyrB8nLswal6q2uBA&ved=0CAcQpwU
Download failed!
Result -> NOTHING Found! Check site.
-[ 3/3 ]-[ twitter.com see_proxy ]-------------------------- -- -
DL http://twitter.com/see_proxy
Download failed!
Result -> NOTHING Found! Check site.
-[ end ]-------
@royalmice so it is scrapping but does not find anything. You should not use google to scrap, maybe use some other providers.
"DL http://twitter.com/see_proxy" << that looks like it is having problems all alone accessing the internet
Do you actually have success getting anything indexed?
You say : "You should not use google to scrap, maybe use some other providers." --- I am not aware of anywhere in GSA SeO indexer where i have the option to select what providers to use, i just use the default which is ALL
I am free now, do u have 5 minutes to connect via Teamviewer to see the problem?, PLEASE
This is my proxy scraping log on GSA SER -- which is on the same machine.
So the problem is ONLY with my GSA SEO INDEXER
Searching for new proxies...
-[ 1/6 ]-[ google txt ]------------------------------------- -- -
DL http://www.google.com/search?q=+”:8080″++”:3128″++”:80″+filetype:txt&hl=en&tbo=1&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:w&sa=X&ei=OEmwTNWyJoeL4AaQldj1Bg&ved=0CAkQpwU&as_qdr=all&filter=0
Extracting proxies...Found 3 proxies
DL-Link (1/1) http://www.blogger.com/?tab=wj
Extracting proxies...
Result -> Found 3 proxies (3 new)
-[ 2/6 ]-[ google blogs ]----------------------------------- -- -
DL http://www.google.com/search?q=+”:8080″++”:3128″++”:80″+socks&safe=off&tbm=blg&tbs=sbd:1&num=100&as_qdr=all&filter=0
Extracting proxies...
DL-Link (1/1) http://www.blogger.com/?tab=bj
Extracting proxies...
Result -> NOTHING Found! Check site.
-[ 3/6 ]-[ usuarios.multimania.es 3 ]----------------------- -- -
DL http://usuarios.multimania.es/ownedteam/proxies.html
Extracting proxies...NOTHING Found! Check site.
Result -> NOTHING Found! Check site.
-[ 4/6 ]-[ sixhead.com ]------------------------------------ -- -
DL http://sixhead.com/proxy/
Extracting proxies...Found 129 proxies
Result -> Found 125 proxies (125 new)
-[ 5/6 ]-[ twitter.com see_proxy ]-------------------------- -- -
DL http://twitter.com/see_proxy
Extracting proxies...Found 13 proxies
Result -> Found 13 proxies (13 new)
-[ 6/6 ]-[ google ]----------------------------------------- -- -
DL http://www.google.com/search?q=+”:8080″++”:3128″++”:80″&hl=en&tbo=1&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:d&sa=X&ei=QYesTJyrB8nLswal6q2uBA&ved=0CAcQpwU
Extracting proxies...Found 73 proxies
DL-Link (1/15) https://www.blogger.com/?tab=wj
Extracting proxies...
DL-Link (2/15) http://sock5us.blogspot.com/
Extracting proxies...Found 5919 proxies
DL-Link (3/15) http://google-proxies.blogspot.com/2014/02/14-02-14-google-proxies_8655.html
Extracting proxies...Found 2311 proxies
DL-Link (4/15) http://checkerproxy.net/14-02-2014
Extracting proxies...Found 37642 proxies
DL-Link (5/15) http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/proxies/649920-free-premium-proies.html
Extracting proxies...
DL-Link (6/15) http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/forum.php
Extracting proxies...
DL-Link (7/15) http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/f1-black-hat-seo/
Extracting proxies...
DL-Link (8/15) http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/f101-proxies/
Extracting proxies...
DL-Link (9/15) http://www.proxies24.org/2014/02/13-02-14-l1l2l3-http-proxies-mixed-3976.html
Extracting proxies...Found 3975 proxies
DL-Link (10/15) http://www.proxies24.org/2014/02/14-02-14-l1l2l3-http-proxies-mixed-3680.html
Extracting proxies...Found 3679 proxies
DL-Link (11/15) http://free-ssl-proxy.blogspot.com/2014/02/13-02-14-free-ssl-proxy-1520.html
Extracting proxies...Found 1524 proxies
DL-Link (12/15) http://free-ssl-proxy.blogspot.com/2014/02/13-02-14-free-ssl-proxy-1510.html
Extracting proxies...Found 1519 proxies
DL-Link (13/15) http://www.proxyfire.net/forum/showthread.php?t=67505
Extracting proxies...Found 2058 proxies
DL-Link (14/15) http://www.proxyfire.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=15
Extracting proxies...
DL-Link (15/15) http://irc-proxies.blogspot.com/2014/02/14-02-14-irc-proxy-servers-860.html
Extracting proxies...Found 868 proxies
Result -> Found 26094 proxies (26092 new)
-[ end ]-------
Shouldn't these be all checked by default ?