Lots of captcha service is not responding VER 2.35
in Bugs
Since the update today, I have been seeing lots of captcha service is not responding with CB
Is anyone else noticing this?
It takes up lots of CPU resources and skips lots of recaptchas.
Downgraded to v2.34 and it works beautifully...
As soon as I upgraded to v2.35, I noticed a lot more recaptchas (maybe twice more) being sent to my antigate account.
I then looked at the CB window and saw a lot of recaptchas not being solved. And these are the normal ones, without house numbers nor the large black dots.
OK, since you asked, I'll reinstall v2.35 and let it run for a few hours. I'm still very happy with v2.34.
Will report back tomorrow. It's midnight here already...
v2.35 sends more recaptchas to my antigate account, and is more CPU hungry.
Here's a little test I did myself to confirm my findings.
While running v2.35, I save the unsolved recaptchas . I then load 100 of them to v2.35 and less than 5% returns an answer.
I reinstall v2.34 (not run previous version from v2.35), load the same 100 recaptchas, and v2.34 solves more than 60% of them. I'm not saying the answers are 100% correct, but v2.34 solves a lot more, and sends less recaptchas to my antigate account.
So, I'm back to v2.34 again, and merry xmas to all...
@Olve1954 it would be interesting to know if the captchas that the new CB does not solve, are actually incorrect or not. Because I can imagine, that those are now detected as incorrect and than send to the captcha service directly.
Sorry, you might ask why Im not testing this myself but it's hard to do that type of testing as Im
a) not in office
b) never have problems (CPU/speed) with my setup it seems. The CB e.g. was way faster in new version than in old.
I think it's better explained thru captured results...
CB v2.34
CB v2.35
As you can see CB v2.34, solves more recaptchas and the response time is faster.
Although not 100% correct, most of these results goes thru and the submissions are successful.
The problem with v2.35 is, it doesn't even attempt to solve most of them and some of these captchas are pretty "easy".
>Sorry, you might ask why Im not testing this myself but it's hard to do that type of testing as Im
That's ok. Glad to contribute a little bit of my time to make CB a better product. Much better than CS IMHO...