imports url (identify platform and sort in)
Hello i have a question,
I don't know if it's good or no, but to increase LPM in my option, i don't save list for identified and failed site. Just success and verify.
So if i add new site with the option: "imports url (identify platform and sort in)" and i don't have identified list in use, where will go this new parsed sites?
manuboss thanks for the question. Exactly I was searching for. I had the same settings as you. Now I enabled the identified list ticked.
Sven I have a small question to
For projects to use the imported list should I select project-> edit->options->use urls from global site lists->and then the checkbox for identified also?
Thanks s4nt0s
If I Import the file using imports url (identify platform and sort in) then the only way I can use the URLs in the project is to make sure I tick the below settings.
1) in Global options -> advanced -> tick the identified folder
2) And also project-> edit->options->use urls from global site lists->and then the checkbox for identified
Then only the URLs I imported will be fed to the respective projects. Am I right?
Ohh. That's really a good shortcut.