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Multiple URL & keyword not working... Search Ranker is only posting to first keyword

I've set a project with about 5 URLs and 3-4 keywords each with the following structure...

when I test these they work fine, but when  SER actually posts they do not post the secondary and so on keywords, only the primary. Is anyone else experiencing this?


  • SvenSven
    wrong syntax. Should be{kw1|kw2|kw3}
  • @sven that's not what SER shows, and that's not how it is applied if you use the built in function for main and secondary anchor text.
  • SvenSven

    I don't get you. If you enter it's one # too much as it only supports primary and secondary anchor text. And if you use the secondary, you need to enable the anchor text usage as well.

    You never said you are about to use the secondary anchor but it looked like you try to add some more variations for the first anchor text.

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