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where is this happening at?

edited October 2012 in Need Help
I'm checking a URL today and in the article I see %LINK% within the article itself. Is this from GSA not converting it to the link?



  • SvenSven
    %link% has never been a probably mean %url%
  • No, I double checked and in the article is %LINK%.
  • That's why I'm wondering if it's in the article program I'm using.
  • SvenSven
    Who created your content?
  • wicked article creator
  • SvenSven
    Can you paste the whole sentence where %link% is placed? Im wondering is %link% is the url embedded in html or if %link% should be replaced with <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a>
  • @Stranger

    %link% is an option that Senuke X uses to insert links within the body of the articles.

    WAC has an option to export in GSA format, so use that. 

  • This was a GSA format, so now I'm wondering if its a problem with WAC exporting it incorrectly.
  • SvenSven
    next version will add a html link for %link%
  • SvenSven
    Are there any more macros that this *nukesomething* program uses? Now that almost all *xsomething* macros are added.
  • Yeah there are several. I'm about ready to quit using it and go back to Kontent Machine because of the headaches it's been giving me.
  • I noticed this too when checking verified posts using WAC generated content.  This is a bug in WAC 2.5, the %LINK% token is inserted when GSA output is specified.  Version 2.4 didn't do this.
  • thanks for the answer, I'm going to stop using WAC until he fixes several of the bugs I've found.
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