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Questions About Global Site Lists

I have a couple of questions about using the global site lists, wondering if anyone can help:

  1. When using the global site list. Does GSA still look for on-page footprints to identify the platform or does it simply attempt to post to the known platform from the filename? (e.g. sitelist_Article-BuddyPress.txt - GSA already knows it's buddypress so doesn't need to identify again)
  2. If a link has been removed on a URL from a success list and an error page is present, which is not part of the CMS, such as a default html 404 page. Will GSA still try to identify the platform by going to the homepage? Or will this site be missed on future runs?

Thanks in advance


  • SvenSven

    1. It's always going to identify sites.

    2. If that error page has no typical footprints from that engines, it is not trying to go to a different URL.

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