How to reset a counter in CB for a particular captcha type ???
A few hrs ago I started to use CB for recaptcha solving, (=disconnected spamvilla which is down for more than 54 hrs now)
I would love to reset the recaptcha counter to start from 0 and give me exact % of recaptcha solving
How to reset a counter in CB for a particular captcha type ???
I would love to reset the recaptcha counter to start from 0 and give me exact % of recaptcha solving
How to reset a counter in CB for a particular captcha type ???
since long my overall counter shows 66%
I am sure the new % might be much better after all the improvements made in CB
and for the recaptcha improvements it might give useful numbers to help ppl move to alternate service = built in CB instead of frustration causing spamvilla
its better than SV
because CB local and always UP = faster
and for me entire SER project very soon completed anyway
currently with CB recaptcha support my overalll % verified vs submit approx same as with SV = around 50% verified
good enough for me