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Uploading target lists..

What is the best way to upload a target URL List (purchased and unsorted)? Should I use the "Identify Site List and Sort In"? 

Does this go into the "identified" list?

If I select "Use Global Site Lists if Enabled", do I need to uncheck engines?


  • ronron
    I don't bring in targets, but I think I have seen enough posts on it. I believe you just set up a project, untick all sitelists, untick all search engines, and let SER identify, submit and verify on its own.

    There are guys like @mmtj that do this all the time, so hopefully he sees this. Or anyone else that brings in lists. 
  • goonergooner
    edited December 2013
    ^^ Yep that's the gist of it.

    You basically have 3 options:

    1) Import directly into projects
    2) Import into dummy projects and let real projects post from global list
    3) Import and identify - This is fairly slow but the end result will be a high quality list that will get good verification %. Because the result is obviously only sites SER believes it can post to.

    In most cases you will want to untick search engines, always good to have global list - verified checked in case option 2) above and also in case you forget or unable to import new lists for a while.

    I am still testing with importing sitelists but for me method 2) seems to result in best combination of high LPM/good verification rate.
  • I use the failed list to store my scraped lists. The only urls I have in my failed lists are ones I import and then I use the feature to only check the fail list. This is good if you have a really massive scraped or paid list that you want all your projects to feed off of.

    What I don't know is if I have a 10k failed list that project A feeds off of and 3 days after it starts I add another 10k to the failed list if the tool will now use all 20k or if it will stop at the original 10k.
  • If you don't uncheck the engines, will SER still post to the list?
  • goonergooner
    Assuming you import lists into the project, yes it will always process imported lists first
  • Cool.
  • I was told by Sven that if your imported lists fail, then your 'failed' list is NOT taken into consideration for future projects.....I still haven't figured out why there is a failed global list...surely the opposite would be the only reason, so SER figures out that it's failed so doesn't try and skips to the next in the imported list???

  • The failed list (assuming you are actually having it populated) can be used to help find new engines or fix ones that are failing instead of having to go through the logs if you are saving them. 

    I know I don't want SER skipping something just because it is on the failed list. Too many reasons something could fail and then later be able to actually work. 

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