Since update v7.11 I can't import verified url's
Here is the error:
This was working before the update, i've tried every single way to import and it can't be done.
Also, i tried to copy all links, but when i opened the verified site list i saved, its all code like this:
This was working before the update, i've tried every single way to import and it can't be done.
Also, i tried to copy all links, but when i opened the verified site list i saved, its all code like this:
PK S{Cψ.½: 9 & sitelist_Article-Article Dashboard.txtË())°Ò×///×+.HÍÉ)6I+JMÕËK-Ñ/(ÊOËÌIÕÎ Šg¦êº¥æ¥ëZ˜ñr PK S{CØh p B # sitelist_Article-Article Script.txt•UÛŽ›0}¯Ôßè`s§ÒjUµRÕ·ýƒÊÀ N€qí!ÙýûB’:AÙîK¤dfΟ33éˆÔ× 8~'
then import them all into a new project.
But now it is working, i don't know why it did this before hand.
Offtopic, is there a way to copy "sites to submit to" on the left? and use for all other projects?
As i've just sat and took all useless sites off, and now 1 project has a good setting, is there a way to get the ticked forums / blogs / all other boxes, into all the other projects?