No verified links using engine types requiring email verification anymore

in Need Help
I have a problem with my projects where there is an "email verification" process using engine types like forum, social bookmarking, social networking... I really think it looks like a bug but i may be wrong.
between sunday and monday, i ran the project and had no verified links. At that point i used live dot com emails.
between yesterday and today, i have setup my own mail server, created my own mailboxes with no junk folder and one of my domain. I had the same outcome. No verified links. None of any emails i used are blacklisted. They are all successful when i test them in GSA. In the log, it says also parsing emails.
I have a big list of "await account verification" when i click on "submitted" in the pop=up menu of my project clicking "show urls">"submitted".
I don't have any verified links anymore.

I have decided to give a try to the Active (VE) mode (verify emails only). after clicking on this, i see the number in the submitted column of my project decrease but the number in the verified links column does not increase.
After clicking on the Verify emails in "status" on the pop menu of my project:

I had records in logs showing it is working. Here are a sample of records

But the number of verified links (2192) didn't increase even if this project ran for one night. The number of submitted links (3113) decreased. In the project there is no filter of PR, no filter of dofollow. No filters at all.
Please help
thank you.
I don't know if it can help...
I have switched the second project to Active and i had 34 verified links that came in. This phenomenon already happened. It is strange. If a project submits let's say 100 links on day one and let GSA automatically verify links, no links are going to be verified. if i pause the said project for 1 or 2 days, then when i switch the project to active then some links will appear to be verified. for your information, i have never had new verified links on those projects using the Active(V) (verify only) mode.
decrease in verified/submitted ratio, besides caused by possible bug in new update , can be also caused by varies others reasons.
a. proxy went bad.
b. you submit to the same list and list "worn off ".
c . you using same list of same 5 emails for 100 projects and GSA submits same email to the same url and counts it as successful submission.
d. you switched from captcha service to CB or CS that recognize captchas not as accurate and GSA counts submissions with incorrect captcha as successful submission...(not sure about this one but sounds possible).
and so on.
You awaiting account confirmation just means you are waiting for the verification email and/or awaiting admin approval of the account. Something else to consider is that a helluva lot of emails never arrive for contextual engines. That isn't SER's fault. That's the sites themselves or problems with your own emails.
I suggest you read the 1st few pages discussing low LPM and email verification.