simultanious posting + identify and sort in - how many threads used ?
Hi all,
if I post to a project with 100 threads and simultanious I do a "identify and sort in" job - will those threads (100) be devided between the posting job and the sort-in job ?
How many threads does the sort-in process take ? Is it multi-treaded or one-by-one ?
What's best practise for posting and identifying links ? How many threads do you use on an 1MBps line ?
Thanks for your help...
>will those threads (100) be devided between the posting job and the sort-in job ?
>How many threads does the sort-in process take ?
It takes the free slots that the project does not use
> Is it multi-treaded or one-by-one ?
multi threaded
>What's best practise for posting and identifying links ?
No best praxis.
>How many threads do you use on an 1MBps line ?
watch log for "download failed"...if you see that too often, than lower threads