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Articles have 2 live links - anchor text + url

edited October 2012 in Need Help
hi.. I was just checking verfied articles and I noticed this. At the end of an article it says: "for more info regarding - anchor text - have a look at - url -"
So I'm getting 2 anchors in each article?? One is an anchor text provided by me and the other one is the url.

Anybody else noticed this?


  • I just opened up the article dashboard.ini file and saw this starting on line 72
    auto add anchor url content={If you are you looking for|Here's|{If you want to|To|If you're ready to} {see|check out|find|find out|learn|read}|Here is|For} {more|more info|more information} {about|on|in regards to|regarding} <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a> {check out|stop by|visit|review|take a look at|have a look at|look at|look into} %url_domain%%url_path%

    You can see at the bottom it is possible it is leaving two links if the forum automatically parses urls. You can always change these to your liking and save them.
  • SvenSven

    Yes, thats made to have the chance to place a link if the engine decides to not allow html (strip it off) but turn urls into links.

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