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Please a new achor-text type = title of page linking to

Since 1997, one of the most common-sense anchor text and also one of the most successful ever used by myself is a simple

complete title of the page I link to

all my manual linking on high end social bookmark sites, FB, directories and social blogs usually is the official title = always fully relevant to the content OF THAT PAGE And thus improving SERPS of the page linking TO.

only rarely if title too long, I reduce the anchor to the first 3-5 words of the title and even less often to a single 2-3 keywords - but always from title I want to rank that site.

If we want to be successful,
we also need to rank our submitted pages on OTHER ppl's sites
= thus possibly driving direct traffic to OUR site if content of value

since SER uses spun titles, to shorten to as little as FIRST 2-3 words of title may sometimes end up in a senseless anchor,
examples if the title would be
  1. "learn about the benefits of article marketing"
  2. "learn why efficiency in life is essential for success"
= in BOTH above cases an anchor of 3 words would make no SEO sense
5 words only make partial sense in above example Nr 2

the safest and easiest is to offer a choice
the author of spin-text KNOWS his style and can chose to

* use full title of page linking to
* use first 5 words (this assures that at least the most important keywords of that page ae contained in anchor)
* offer a choice of how many words from title are to use as anchor - starting from FIRST word
= word 1-x of title as anchor OR with random possibility = word 1 to 3-5 of title

IMO this anchor type would be of great benefit and I instantly would use it on ALL my projects as only anchor (other anchor texts are used in the random URL link section)


  • SvenSven
    I guess you would like to use this for tier projects where the Linking URL is not really known when defining the project?
  • YES exactly :)
  • SvenSven
    use %meta_title% in next version as macro in your anchors.
  • :) great new feature
    thanks a lot
  • @sven
    please where in the new version would I insert the %meta_title%
    was searching and find no new feature option

    is it in the field "anchor text" (based on main keyword) of the Tiers ??
  • SvenSven
    no, you would have to enter the macro in any of the anchor text data.
  • @sven

    fail to understand
    on what page of configurations or project / Tier would that field be?

    inside each  article ? at FIXED text location ??
    or as usual somehow a random location ??

    please clarify
  • edited November 2013

    I eventually thought it could belong into the file "auto_anchor_article"
    but then the text %meta_title% appears in a published test article instead of the actual anchor

    may be macro NOT YET defined
    or wrong location / file ??
  • SvenSven
    hmm no, you really have to define this in some of the anchor types in the project edit.
  • ok, thanks
    no idea really what or where to do
    i will test and see what comes out
    or just learn to be happy with what we have without that optimization

    the file "auto_anchor_article" would have been a logical and easy place to do this
  • SvenSven
    hmm not really as that one is just not used for every engine and should only hold sentences with a %link% macro and no predefined anchor text.
  • edited November 2013

    lots of ?? in my mind

    just looked at the project  > edit >
    then below the "use keyword as anchor text"
    the several fields
    = I took the first one > right click > insert macro ....
    and I see NO macro named %meta_title% in the drop down selections offered
    are you sure it is included in THIS newest version as mentioned earlier above

    I usually use only engines for articles, wikis, blog posts, web20, etc
    hence almost entirely engines that display / use the "auto_anchor_article"

    IMO that would be the most logical place

    but may be the macro NOT YET defined and included in 7.11 ??

    in your last change-log also nothing mentioned abut this new feature ...
  • SvenSven

    It is, just not appearing in the macro popup menu as it's too special. Just do the following...

    enable secondary anchor text and enter the macro there. You will see it's getting used.

  • YES :) it seems to work
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