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Why auto mailer can not work?

Who can help me why i can not send email auto?
1、I am sure gmail actually allows the smtp/pop3 usage
2、My gmail can send email out, no problem.
3、I can receive the test mail
4、The "Auto mailer Enabled" have turned on


  • SvenSven
    Please choose one way to fix this. We already try to figure this out by email. Would be nice if you paste a solution here as well once we figured it out ;)
  • Sven,you are great,thank you very much.
    Is this  situation marked in the manual ? I  checked the manual but not find the problem.My English is so bad.
    You are a good guy,
  • SvenSven

    I will update that on the docu web site. Anyway the problem was the following:

    The message for the email to send was empty. So no email was sent as no email message template was found.

  • But you know,the test email can I was deceived by the test mail
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