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Project verified links go down drastically after a week or so, start new projects?

Do you guys also find this? After a given amount of time- seems to be around the 1 week mark- the sources seem to dry up. Understandable once you run through your kws. If/when this happens is it time to start new projects?


  • Do you care if the sites you get backlinks from have your keyword on the page or are relevant? I don't and therefore added 500k of keywords....SER never runs out of targets now :)

    btw, 500k is around 10MB in a txt file, which is the limit where SER won't throw an error message at you. Just make sure you don't use keywords as your anchor ;)
  • edited November 2013
    cheers, no i dont care either. i had one which is 3k so i guess ill just up it. ah, im just looking at my emails and alot of them are blocked now so thats probably also or the main contributing factor.
  • Yeah emails is a bit of a bugger for messing up your projects. I still can't figure out if it's worth dropping a few thousand emails on all projects and let SER randomise them (with the 'don't do two submissions within 15 minutes' checked) or manually go in and add 10-15 per project.

  • goonergooner
    Yea more keywords works well, for emails i add 10 per project and been running for 3 months with no probs there. Hope it stays that way.
  • cool. One issue Im having with emails tho is that if they arent used within the first few days then they get blocked. This means I have to make and use them immediately rather than beign able to create a backlog for when i want them. How do you workaround this?
  • goonergooner
    I haven't noticed that at all, i've had a list of emails for about 2 months. Created a new project with them yesterday and they were fine.

    But i don't make them myself - So could be something in the way they are created? I don't know really, just guessing. Sorry mate,
  • As above, I bought a few hundred of fiverr a couple of months ago, I just pick out 5 or 10 at a time and they always work fine.

    I have heard others complain about the issue you're facing though, and I believe that it has something to do with creating them all with the same IP, although I could be wrong.
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