xgrab.txt important question
Few questions:
Where place the xgrab.txt ?
How to handle regular expressions, like [---] to match anything [...] to grab.
<title class="[---]">[...]</title>
Where place the xgrab.txt ?
How to handle regular expressions, like [---] to match anything [...] to grab.
<title class="[---]">[...]</title>
I want the [---] to match anything but be ignored.
With regular expression?
Or just simple #grabbedALL[S] to include them all.
So by checking "paring of all concidences on each mask" on the sample url, and using the #grabbed,5,[S] macro, we will see in the message:
theinnerzone, Atreyee, Jo-Anne Teal, Valerie Boersma, Trifecta, OKinUK
#grabbed,5,[S] does not exist
in Autograbbing [---] is not working.
<cite class='user'><a rel='nofollow' href='[---]'>[...]</a></cite> Is stored in main xrumer folder. (xgrab.txt) Everything that is grabbed by these rules (in our case - nickname's) is stored in the /Logs/%Project_Name%/%LinkList_Name%/xgrabbed.txt Do you remember when i was asking about global account data list? They are stored really easy: /Logs/Registered Accounts.txt <= Here are stored ALL registered accounts, from all projects. /Logs/%Project_Name%/%LinkList_Name%/Registered Accounts.txt <= Here are
About the [Z]linklist: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fxrumerwiki.com%2Fru%3Azlinkslist&act=url
To save time looking for "Register" or "Posting" link on that website, xrumer is creating [Z]linklist. So when we are running RAW list of Phpbb forums in [Registering only],