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Email Verification ... 0 Verified links out of 2000 email verifications ?

I don't know what happens but I never get even 1 email verification verified link. It doesn't matter if I have 2k links to verify, or 5.
I'm using 1 hotmail email, for each project ( running 2 ).
Can anyone help me ? or Sven can u help me :(

before verifiyng emails
verifying emails 
verification is done
at the end


  • SvenSven
    You use the option to remove URLs after first verification. I don't know what custom time you use here to verify, maybe it is too low? Also make sure your hotmail addresses are not limited by M$. Lately they block certain emails when they get too much spam emails. They require you to verify the email by phone. Please log into that email by web and check it.
  • Ok I removed the option to remove urls at 1st verification. Time to verify is 120m. Ok thanks for the help. I'll try yahoo and gmail if hotmails tests go wrong
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