SER Never finishes Processing Imported URLs
Hey @Sven, I have been importing verified links to new campaigns. These campaigns don't have any search engines enabled, they don't have any of the boxes checked under "How to get Target URLs". However, they never finish and get to 0 when I look at "Show URLs" > Show Left Target URLs. This number goes up and down, but never drops to 0 even though it has run through all of the URLs that I gave it.
I can send you the backup if that would help and you can run it.
I don't know why the number of "Show Left Target URLs" is increasing, but it goes up and down, never to 0.

I can send you the backup if that would help and you can run it.
I don't know why the number of "Show Left Target URLs" is increasing, but it goes up and down, never to 0.

Does this mean if I turn off scheduled posting or "Allow Posting on same site again" it will fix my problem of never getting to 0?