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How to add multi links into the posting

Usually gsa post one link in one post. So my question if there a good way to post many links. Adding the urls into different fields are so time consuming.



  • edited October 2013
    you can insert the macro %url% and %random_url%; from my understanding %url% is mandatory.  %url_random% can be used as many times as you would like in your articles. 
    to be more specific if you use place holders in your content and use  <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a> (this is your html anchors) at least once.  and then you can use <a href="%random_url%">%random_anchor_text%</a> as many times as you would like to add as many links as you would like. 
  • SvenSven
    Or simply %link% as it will insert %url% and %anchor_text% first and later use a random one.
  • Thanks krushinem and Sven . It's som helpful.
    But When I want to put the links into the article manager. It can not works when preview.
  • SvenSven
    Make a screenshot of what you have in your article.
  • Hello Seven
    I just put several <a href="%random_url%">%random_anchor_text%</a> into by article body and click preview, the result is still the: <a href="%random_url%">%random_anchor_text%</a>, not be replaced by others.

  • SvenSven
    Yes, ignore this. Some things are just not replaced there.
  • So How to add multi links into the article body. I think it should be fixed in the next version.
  • SvenSven
    There is nothing to fix. It's the PREVIEW only that does not show all your random links there.
  • edited December 2013
    @Sven Is it possible to have option 'number of links per article' and we can select random number and SER will randomly insert 'specified number of links' in the article? ATM we have to manually insert %link% in article [eg. 3 times to get 3 links]..but if SER does it automatically, it would really a great feature and time saver. PLUS links will be at random places and with less footprints...Thanks
  • SvenSven
    noted it down...might get added in the future version
  • edited January 2014
    @Sven .. Is this feature been implemented?

    to have option 'number of links per article' and we can select random number and SER will randomly insert 'specified number of links' in the article?

  • SvenSven
    Not added yet, else it would be in changelog.
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