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to Check if one target URL returns a 410, 404, 500, 502, 503...

bloupbloupbloupbloup Spain
edited October 2013 in Feature Requests
We use to enter URLs in the "URL" field of the "Data" pane. 

Sometimes we enter multiple URLs too. but we don't know if all of those URLs are still working or not. For instance, i had by the past wordpress blogs and wordpress took down my blogs without sending an email to me. The url were still in GSA search engine ranker project. And i used to action the project still. So it means my project was sending links for nothing. 

So, we may send hundreds of links to a URL that does not exist anymore. 

It would be great to have a little program to check if those URLs are still valid by checking if they return anything else than a 200 or 301 HTTP message. 

If the url would return a 404,410,502,503 or 500... among other http errors a message would be displayed when the project starts saying:

"Warning the URL [http://...........] returns a [404,410,500,502,503....]"


  • SvenSven
    But this check is donw on Reverify option turned on. Though only for verified URLs and not those in your project.
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