After implementing the new Article Tab I have an error when try to duplicate a project: the article(s) doesn`t fill the data tab into the project duplicated (the new one), I need to re-enter them manualy.
Another minor bug: I usualy autofill with many kontent machine ready files, now with filling the first components have a prefix #KM0 which one REMAINS into the submitted articles.
I`ve founded it as an ANCHOR (in that project I checked "use the keywords as anchor text". TBH, not sure about the articles after posting, but in the preview it`s there on the top of the first article.
Hm.. the WORST: I use the macro "spinfolder" for the articles - I use folders with 30-50 spinned articles. So after the update into the new Article tab I have ..a single article, instead of the macro! More - seems it`s not possible anymore to use the Macros even for the new projects, or for editing (or I can`t find out how)
Yep.. but all old projects have reduced the articles from 30-50 to a single one. Will be hard work to reenter details for hundred of projects. Anyway, thank You for Your hard work to improve that amazing tool!
For macros like %spinfolder% or #file_links the program counts each article as a new one. So whenever you use that macro in the article content, it is seen as a new one. This however could produce duplicates is the same article file is taken. So I recommend you to import the articles in the GUI instead.
Sorry didn't get that.. do we all have to edit something in notepad++ to not to have %first_paragrap-article% instead of the summary text? ..or is it only those who use this macro manually in their article?
Uggh, Dang that sucks. I'd have to do this on over 15 Servers. Is there a faster way you know of? Or literally only notepad ++.
LeeG, Notepad++ you'd just have to open up Engines, you can open 20-30 at once with it, than just do the search for %first_paragrap-article% and replace with %first_paragraph-article%
Slow down please. This spell error in macro was added in some small part of a previous version. This bug is of course fixed but it is not fixing your already wrong added content with the spell error. I daubed many people have this at all.
Anyway, thank You for Your hard work to improve that amazing tool!
What was the outcome with this Sven?
I have rather a lot of articles that show %first_paragrap-article% when you preview test projects
At a guess, well over 1000 articles are affected by this, spread over every tier
Is it a case of delete them all and start again from scratch, or did you work your magic to resolve the issue
Can you give more insight into what and how to use notepad++ on?
What files etc to look at
I have never used it in all honesty and have no idea where to even start
I just assumed that when the problem was pointed out to you initially, you would have added a new macro to cure the problem
I was surprised to find the problem still there and that's why I asked the question
I didn't auto correct this as most engines do not use the article-summary anyway. I don't have notepad++ but only PsPAD.
In that you choose search+ replace in files and do the input there...done.
LeeG, Notepad++ you'd just have to open up Engines, you can open 20-30 at once with it, than just do the search for %first_paragrap-article% and replace with
Than do the next 30 etc. etc.
There was an error with the macro
At one stage %first_paragrap-article% was added instead of %first_paragraph-article%
Notice the missing h in the first macro