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A few questions with gsa-ser

Hello guys, 



There are some things that I can't manage in GSA Ser. After the long researches I solved a partion of them totally and a partiof them partially.
My primary problem,
I managed to send based on German/Turkish or English language partially but it isn't fully efficient. How can I do that? Normally, I can do this with modifying ser.dat file. Is there an easier way? I fed up with copy/pasting my modified ser.dat file after every update.
My secondary problem is about content proxy scraper. What is the most efficient settings for content proxy scraper?
My third question is about GSA Ser filters. I know I have to setup very strict filters. I have an filter system own my own but I'm having hard time to creating Tier 3 > Tier 2 > Tier 1 Backlink settings.
Lastly, how to stop sending backlink to irrelevant adresses. In my test I made in my dummies, they sent too many Korea/Japan site although I set up Project > Options > Skip Sites Following Countries section.
Thank you.


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