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Can SER handle utf8 encoded files in the site_list_identified section?


I am currently cleaning up my site_list_identified from PR N/A and low PR
because my total identified 370'000+ is far too large to ever submit even in months with my current www access bandwidth

depending on platform I remove below PR3 - sometimes less and still have plenty of identified on engines important to my projects

that clean up is done by external app (grep) and reimported into SER
all cleanup output however is then UTF8 and Unix LF (End of Line)

hence the 2 questions:
  1. Can SER handle utf8 encoded files (URLs) inn that section ??
  2. Can SER handle Unix End of Line (like wordpad - NOT notepad) ??

do I have to convert UTF8 back to ansi as well as open in wordpad and save to have windows linefeed?



  • SvenSven

    1) no utf8 please...thats useless in this area.

    2) what type of linefeed is used does not matter. anything goes ( 0Dh 0Ah ,  0Ah, ...) .

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