WTF lpm on 4!!!! now since latest update :(
What is going on here, every update seems to make things worse. If it aint broke dont fix it.
Ive gone from 24 average lpm now down to 4 lpm in the space of a few updates.
Not hating sven you are still a God and amazing but what is the deal yo!
Maybe it isnt the updates and more to do with me adding more projects? could this be the case?
Ive gone from 24 average lpm now down to 4 lpm in the space of a few updates.
Not hating sven you are still a God and amazing but what is the deal yo!
Maybe it isnt the updates and more to do with me adding more projects? could this be the case?
These things have only happened in recent updates, so i assume the updates are responsible but it might not the case in reality.
In my case it could be that i was pushing my VPS to the limit in terms of the number of projects i am running.
Either way, none of that really helps Sven to solve the issue if there is really one. He will needs logs to work with.
In the past, adding new projects has actually increased LPM, probably because it can post to any site it finds rather than finding duplicates etc.
How about CPU usage? Is it laggy? Maybe those could be causes of the decreased LPM?
Things that worked fine since I got the program seem to morph and disappear without warning.
Not sven's fault because he himself has said he isnt a SEO just coder, but I wanna know what fucker is telling him to add these features which we could do without
Of course I dont know anything about how the program works under the hood and imagine there is alot more to take into account so don't wanna appear like a spoilt kid
6.78 running at around 130 LPM.
For sure my LPM bounces around on different versions. I can't explain it. But I have never found it to seriously hurt me (like going from 100 lpm to 10 lpm).
It must have to do with settings, choice of platforms and engines, etc.
I would save various SER versions in a folder, and stick with one that you are happy with. And then experiment like a mad scientist with your settings and engines - that is where the speed will be gained. I remember going from 20 LPM to 100+ LPM (on the same version) because I was willing to experiment.
That kind of jump would certainly be worth experimenting for even if it took a while could be a good work in progress, but I wouldnt know where to start, any hints?
I would make it a gradual project.
And of course, like you say, losing 20 lpm is gonna be alot less of an issue If i were running at 120 to start rather than 24! such that I would be able to whether fluctuations in updates here and there probably with less complaining
Like any science experiment, you have to keep all things constant to test the variable (LPM). If you are upgrading every time there is a new version, it is very difficult to discern if you are making the right adjustments.
So stick with one version you like, and then start playing. I know you weren't here from the beginning, but that is basically what we did the first six months. It doesn't all come together nicely at one time. You will make gradual improvements, a few setbacks, and overall you will move forward to a nice place.
What @gooner is getting at with his question above is also important. The more projects you have, the faster things get.
I started hitting some speed with 30 projects, but I was tweaking everything under the sun to experiment. I can tell you for sure that as the number of your projects gets bigger, you will also have speed improvements (mainly because of all those junk tiers that have no limits).
Also remember if you are heavily focused on contextual targets, it takes more time to register, verify, post, get accepted, etc. So the speed element gets slowed down greatly with contextual projects as well as projects with lots of limits.
Below is what I posted in my discussion thread:
If you are running latest version of SER 6.78 try using old version of CaptchaBreaker 2.14 (in install folder) with it.
I notice very low recognize % with CB 2.15 this can be the problem causing low Verified Links.
With CB 2.15 - 10% recognize
With CB 2.14 - 47% recognize
Verified links seem much improved after doing this.
Still tho I was getting 24 lpm before with the same setup so doesnt excuse the monstrous drop to 4-7lpm.
I ask because i notice when i add new projects it flies for a day or two then slows down again later.
Well whatever, i wont lose any sleep ver it. it is what it is