columnspinfile macros improvement (CSV files)
I want use this macros not only for simple data but for articles too. It simply will allow you hold all article data in 1 file. But this macro doesn;t work as for typical CSV file. Standart CSV file looks like "column1","column2","column3".
If you insert something which contain comma in the column which is typical for article text. some commas may take place in the article . you'll get incorrect parsing which is broken on first comma. and it parses with '' ". for example for column "hello, this text from 1st colum" output will be "hello . so it can be used for articles right now.
please, improve this function for correct parsing of stansart CSV files like excel and libreoffice do, with "" and commas inside columns.
I want use this macros not only for simple data but for articles too. It simply will allow you hold all article data in 1 file. But this macro doesn;t work as for typical CSV file. Standart CSV file looks like "column1","column2","column3".
If you insert something which contain comma in the column which is typical for article text. some commas may take place in the article . you'll get incorrect parsing which is broken on first comma. and it parses with '' ". for example for column "hello, this text from 1st colum" output will be "hello . so it can be used for articles right now.
please, improve this function for correct parsing of stansart CSV files like excel and libreoffice do, with "" and commas inside columns.
here is screenshot of libreoffice calc that reads my example correctly
and here is test from ser.
it takes text before 1st linebreak in the cell.
Common that would require the software to parse the whole file. Thats not working and would make the macro useless.
You can however use \n as line breaks in the file. They get converted.